[PRE-ORDER - Coming Soon] The Art of Delegation: Unleashing Potential, and Achieving More Through Others


Despite the evidence in favour of delegation, the painful truth is, many leaders don't delegate.

Five major reasons come to mind, as potential barriers to successful delegation. Here they are presented as thoughts...

  1. "If more people are involved in the process of delivery, wouldn't that make me less needed/important?"

  2. "I've tried to "release" tasks to people before, but found that I spent soo much time explaining what they needed to do, and correcting what they had done, that I gave up and just did it myself".

  3. "No one is me, and that is my power, so when I allocate some tasks, they might miss the details that are important for success."

  4. "Where do I find skilled people that I can easily commit key responsibilities to?"

  5. "I don't know how to delegate. I've just always learnt to do the things that will benefit the team. Why can't everyone else adopt the same attitude?"

Until delegation is seen as an ally, and not a foe, she will not be correctly utilised by those who could do more by adopting her methods.

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Through this body of work, I hope to give a step-by-step breakdown of how to delegate, and also address some of the misconceptions, and hindrances to proper delegation.

When delegation is done right, leaders are free'd up to focus on the things that really matter, and are also empowered to do more. Contrary to limiting beliefs, delegation is possible regardless of industry or apparent lack of skilled team members. Delegation is NOT a sign of weakness. Delegation done well, still involves adequate oversight and generally increases overall productivity.

The majority of my delegation experience (so far) relates specifically to youth, young adults, and young professionals (18 - 35), in a volunteer led setting.

Regardless of the type of people you lead, work with, or feel like you are stuck with, the same principles can also be applied, and will work!